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IKEA sends the right message to breastfeeding moms with this sweet sign

An IKEA store welcomes moms to breastfeed whenever and wherever they are with an amazing sign.

This glorious pro-breastfeeding sign was spotted in a UK IKEA store. Instead of simply providing a designated area, which is always welcome for moms who would like some privacy, this business has dedicated the entire store as a “nursing station.”

IKEA is known for its vast selection of home furnishings, among other household goodies, so it only makes sense that it would invite moms to lounge around wherever they might find comfort to feed their babies. Nursing in public remains unfortunately controversial, so it’s quite refreshing to see a business taking a positive stance for nursing moms.

Although it isn’t common, I know I’m weary of hearing stories about moms being asked to cover up, move to a restroom or leave the premises of one business or another. Often this comes as a result of inadequate employee training or a misinterpretation of a business’s stated nursing policy (which often reads, “If you see a mother nursing, you can just leave her alone.”).

With signs like these posted in a business, a mom knows right away that she is welcome to nurse wherever she is comfortable. This boosts confidence, provides support and increases morale. Way to go, IKEA, and may the rest of your stores — and really, stores everywhere — follow suit.

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