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To smack or not to smack: When is it ok to spank?

The case for smacking

Still, other parents and individuals feel spanking can work to prevent children from doing potentially very harmful things, like burning themselves on the stove or running out in a street when cars are approaching. Some studies even report that smacking in children between ages 2 and 6 works in extreme cases and that children disciplined in this way grow up to be more successful and exhibit more confidence.

A mother responding to the high focus on spanking in a post on Reality Parenting says: I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, but parenting is way beyond just smacking. There’s all this other stuff you do, and other tools and things you can use, and all these other factors play into how you parent and how you don’t and what you believe in, and your kids personalities and your personality…If only parenting were as simple as one specific issue [disciplinary tactic, if you will] then it would all be very easy to deal with…”

Another woman says on Open Forum that a friend finally smacked her young child when no other form of punishment was working, and his behaviour changed for the better.

“After he’d stopped quietly whimpering, suddenly the commands to pick up his toys, be nicer to guests, say please and “ta”, started being heard. As a five year old now and just started school, he is a generally well behaved and respectful kid. The occasional smack has certainly done him no harm.”

Were you smacked as a child? Do you agree with smacking your children? Scroll down this page and share your personal experience in our comments section.

More disciplinary tips

Is it OK to smack?
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