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Fun ways to leave a lunchbox note

Leaving a fun note in your child’s lunchbox is always a great way to show them how much you love them. Perhaps they had a bad day during the week and you want to let them know you care. Or maybe they were sick and you want to send them a thought as a way to check in and see if they’re feeling better. Possibly you need no reason at all to slip in a little note in with their lunch but simply want to brighten their day. Here are a few creative ways that you can leave a fun lunchbox note.

Write on a Kellogg’s LCMs wrapper

Surprise your child at lunchtime with a personal message on their LCMs bar. For a limited time LCMs come with Write-On Wrappers so you can send your child a personalised message. Remind them about after-school sports, share a family joke, or tell them to have a good day.

Get cheesy — with fruit labels!

A cheesy message attached to a piece of fruit might encourage your child to eat it. Use cardboard paper to create the tag and either write or print your message on it. To attach to the piece of fruit punch a hole into the top of the tag and secure an elastic band through the hole and fasten. The elastic band can then be secured around the piece of fruit. Here are some message ideas for different pieces of fruit that are available to download at AlphaMom:

  • Banana — I am bananas for you
  • Pear — Hope you have a ‘pear’fect day!
  • Apple — You are the apple of my eye
  • Strawberries — You are ‘berry’ special

Sticky notes

Buy some sticky notepads decorated with your child’s favourite designs — be it pirates, butterflies or their favourite cartoon characters. Send them a few special words of encouragement or a reminder about an after-school activity on a note that will grab their attention.

Printable lunchbox notes

Download a range of free and printable lunchbox notes such as these ‘quick lunch love notes’ for kids from Tip Junkie, or personalise your message in the blank speech bubble boxes provided on the designs by wee life.

To give these printable notes more of a personalised touch, decorate with some fun stickers of your child’s favourite theme or cartoon character so they know you’ve gone to extra trouble to make their lunch special.

More lunch box fun

10 Simple lunch surprises we love
Nifty lunchboxes or containers that make lunch time fun and fresh
Simple ways to snazzy up a lunch box

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