A new baby brings joy and happiness, but the pressures of a new little family member can often make it difficult to keep the passion in a relationship.
Here are some top tips for reviving your relationship after having a baby.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family. What an exciting time it is when a new family member arrives. Welcoming a new baby is an amazing and exciting time in life, but it can also be overwhelming and can cause changes to both your body and your relationship that you may not have anticipated or may not be sure how to handle.
Both men and women have many concerns when it comes to rekindling a healthy sex life after giving birth. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and many women and their partners feel apprehensive or concerned about having sex after a baby arrives. Here are some tips to help you keep things spicy and enjoyable.
Take your time
Remember that doctors usually recommend to refrain from having sexual relations for six weeks after the birth of your baby. This is a guideline and there’s nothing wrong with waiting longer to resume your sex life. Don’t feel pressured as this will only lead to greater issues. Be confident in your relationship and your instincts about what is right for you.
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Communicate with your partner
The introduction of a new baby can cause huge upheaval to your relationship quality time. It’s important if you’re concerned about resuming sex that you take the time to communicate with your partner and let them know how you feel. Whether your concerns are about tiredness, pain after childbirth, or changes in your body image, your partner isn’t in a place to help you unless they know how you feel.
Creative dating
When kids are in the equation, it can be hard to take time to indulge in your relationship. One way to help create a better sex life is to get creative with dating your partner. Becoming a parent creates changes in you as a person you may not have anticipated and your partner is likely to also be discovering their new self. Set some time aside to date each other, talk, laugh and relax together. It doesn’t have to lead to sex, but it’s likely to help connect you and bring you closer.
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Ask a professional
Many women become concerned that sex after a baby will become painful. The truth is that this can be the case, however, there are ways to reduce discomfort such as using plenty of lubricant. The best way to ease any fears about body changes or discomfort that might arise during intercourse is to ask a midwife or your gynaecologist. They will be able to tell you what is normal and what to expect as well as ways to reduce the anxiety you may be feeling about your first time having sex after giving birth.
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