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Traditional Easter crafts

Does the Easter bunny visit your household during Easter? Or is Easter a religious occasion and a time for reflection? No matter how you celebrate the Easter holidays, be sure to get the whole family involved with these fun and traditional craft ideas.

Get ready for some family decorating and creating — and while things might get a bit messy, it’ll be worth it with all the memories that will be in the making.


Blown Easter eggs

This activity is definitely an old favourite. Surely you have memories of blowing the yolk through a hole in an egg and into a bowl. It is messy but a great way to keep the kids busy and having fun for a few hours. Depending on how messy the kids get, you might even want to keep the yolks for scrambled eggs later on.

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Painted eggs

Once all the eggs have been emptied of their yolks, it’s time for painting. Let the kids go wild with the eggs. No doubt, a few are going to be broken but that doesn’t matter, you’ll surely have a few to keep a hold of. If your kids are heavy handed then boil the eggs first before letting them paint them.


Dyed eggs

This is a classic Easter craft and a great way to create your own Easter decorations to bring some colour and Easter flair to the home. Simply take a few large, uncooked eggs from the pantry and place them in a pot of water and bring to the boil and cook until hard-boiled. Line the table or work space with newspaper, then put food dye into a series of cups or containers. Get your kids to dunk the eggs into each or any of the colours they like. For added details, wrap the eggs with rubber bands or have the kids use crayons to draw shapes onto the eggs. Once the eggs are dyed these shapes will remain and will make for some beautifully decorated Easter eggs. Use these as great Easter decorations around the home or for an Easter-themed breakfast.

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Easter bonnets

It might not be one of the most popular Easter traditions but it is definitely one of the prettiest. Bonnet making during Easter has a long history and represents new life and new beginnings. It is a fun and uncomplicated project that you can do with the kids. Simply buy a straw hat or bonnet then head to your craft shop where you can buy an array of colourful material flowers. Simply pin or glue the flowers of different colours and shapes around the bonnet and it’s ready to be worn.


Surprise chocolate eggs

This is a great little craft to do either with or for the kids because they are sure to get a big surprise when they find chocolate in a real egg shell. Simple blow the yolk out of the eggshells and then sterilise by boiling in water and vinegar. Dye the eggs with food colouring and let dry, the longer you can leave them to dry the better. Melt chocolate in a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water, making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Place the eggshells in the egg carton and place the chocolate into a piping bag and fill each of the eggs with chocolate and let them set. The kids will have a blast when they find chocolate in real eggshells.

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