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Healthy lifestyle changes he can make to help you get pregnant

One in every 25 men have a low sperm count, or slow motility In plain English, there aren’t enough swimmers and the ones he has may be lazy. So if you are having trouble conceiving, there are healthy lifestyle changes he can make to help you get pregnant.

Boost your
boy’s swimmers

One in every 25 men has a low sperm count, or slow motility. In plain English, there aren’t enough swimmers and the ones he has may be lazy. So if you are having trouble conceiving, there are healthy lifestyle changes he can make to help you get pregnant.

Turn off the telly

It’s time to get your man to push the “off” button on the remote. Recent studies published in the British Journal of Medicine found watching more than 20 hours of television a week significantly reduced sperm count and sperm concentration.

Avoid stress

A study in Italy published in the Fertility and Sterility Journal found stress can affect the quality of sperm and the amount of sperm ejaculated. Nagging your man about watching too much TV may cause stress, so try bargaining or gentle persuasion instead.

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Can the cannabis

Studies from Brown University Health Education confirmed smoking marijuana has a drastic effect on sperm’s swimming ability. You’ve seen what happens to people when they’re stoned and marijuana has the same effect on the sperm. They’re confused and lacking motivation to do anything. Tobacco and alcohol can also affect fertility.

Smoking and fertility: Eight risks you should know >>

No mobiles in pockets

Don’t let your guy carry his mobile clipped to his belt or in his pockets. He may be exposing his sperm to damaging radiofrequency electromagnetic waves according to studies conducted by the University of Bergen in Norway.

Lose weight

Encourage your guy to lose the bulging belly. Recent studies at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Center in Rotterdam discovered being overweight negatively impacted on sperm count and mobility.

Have a healthy diet

Naturopath Eric Bakker highlights the importance of good nutrition. It takes about three months for sperm to develop and mature, so if your partner is able to stick to a healthy diet he should be able to develop healthy sperm.

  • Feed him fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, wholegrains, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, and seeds, particularly pumpkin seeds. A quarter of a cup a day can help keep his reproductive system healthy.
  • Throw out sugary drinks and alcohol. Keep chilled water in the fridge.
  • Ban saturated fats and hydrogenated oils like margarine.
  • Let him eat oysters as they are high in zinc and eating a few every week will help boost sperm count.

More on fertility

The best fertility diet
Complementary therapies to boost fertility
How to improve your chances of getting pregnant

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