A new video released as a part of ConAgra’s effort to fight child hunger shows kids reacting in the sweetest way when they find out how many children in America don’t have enough to eat.
One in 5. That’s how many children in the U.S. don’t have enough to eat. It’s a startling statistic, to be sure. But when these darling kids learn the truth behind child hunger, their reactions are precious.
First the sweet-faced kids in the video are asked what their favorite foods are. Their answers range from salad to pancakes. Yum.
Then they’re asked about their least favorite foods. “Spinach!” one kid says with a wince. “Tomatoes,” another adds.
Then they’re asked, “What do you do when someone gives you food you don’t like?”
“If it was gross, why would I want to eat it?” one boy asks. Another girl says she just plays with it until it gets all cold.
Then they’re told the real reason behind the video.
“Did you know that 1 out of every 5 kids doesn’t have enough food to eat… in the United States?”
“I don’t know what to say to that,” one little girl says, choking back tears. “Makes me feel bad. Makes me want to cry.”
Then these kids get busy coming up with ideas to fight hunger. Ideas like everyone bringing enough canned food to make a huge canned food fort. Pretty good idea. And even a free grocery store for hungry folks. Love that. One little genius is going to build a machine that makes food. Can’t wait to see that!
Although the idea of American kids going hungry is a terrible reality to face, we can be encouraged that the next generation of kids is compassionate and smart enough to roll up their sleeves and start fixing the problem.
For more ideas on how your kids can get involved in the fight against child hunger, SheKnows has put together some activities you can do with your kids.
Don’t know about you, but I think with kids like these, we’ll all be in pretty good hands in the future.
More on fighting child hunger
1 Out of every 5 children in America faces hunger
Yes, your kids can make a difference in the fight against hunger (VIDEO)
Michelle Obama’s school lunch program makes kids hungry
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