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Russian cops call tween twerking dance routine ‘perverted’

Russian law enforcement agencies have launched a criminal investigation into a recent girls’ dance recital that featured a racy twerking routine with what appears to be middle school girls dressed up as sexy bees.

After the video of the performance was posted, it was picked up by Russian media, and the video of the sexy routine featuring little girls shaking their nearly bare rear ends went viral across Russia, picking up more than 4 million views to date. Now the dance studio has been ordered closed until the investigation into how these little girls were taught this insane dance routine is concluded.

Check it out.

Officials from Russia’s Investigative Committee say they are investigating charges of “perverted deeds,” which could put the dance instructor behind the sexed-up routine, Viktoria Yakovenko, behind bars for up to 10 years. She told a Russian tabloid that all the girls participated with their parents’ full permission and knowledge.

“Just go on the internet. You’ll find much more explicit dances there, believe me,” she reportedly said.

And she’s got a point.

Lifetime’s show Dance Moms‘ ubiquitous nut job Abby Lee Miller often comes under fire for having her students, who range in age from 8 to 13, dance in sexually explicit routines. The worst of which was probably the topless showgirl fan dance. The episode featuring the dance was pulled after it aired, but how in the world did it ever make it to television in the first place? And those girls certainly participated with their mothers’ full knowledge and consent.

Listen, our daughters are relying on us — the grown-ups — to keep them safe. And that includes not putting them in a position to be sexualized in a way they couldn’t possibly understand. Do you think an 8-year-old understands what a burlesque dancer really is or does? They probably see the fans and their mothers getting all excited and never think about it again. And they shouldn’t have to.

Just like those little girls in Russia probably have no clue that twerking is a move that was created by exotic dancers as a way to arouse men with their rear ends. Not something a 12-year-old should know about, much less spend hours in a dance studio working to perfect. Disgusting.

Anyone looking to get attention by sexualizing girls needs to be made an example of by law enforcement. Russian officials are certainly taking this entire situation seriously. It’s time to send a message.

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