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Mom goes into diabetic shock, 5-year-old son dials 911

When a 5-year-old became concerned about his mom’s health, he bravely dialed 911 and saved her life.

Aydhun Byars made the call when his mom was unresponsive, and was able to summon help when she fell into diabetic shock.

The recording of his little voice talking to the 911 operator is so sweet and earnest. He tells the dispatcher that he doesn’t know what is wrong with his mom, but something is definitely wrong. He also says that she is sleeping but opens her eyes and doesn’t say anything. He remembered his grandmother teaching him how and when to dial 911, so he used a cellphone to summon an ambulance. Dialing a phone can be hard for Aydhun, as he has AMC (a condition that causes contractures, or stiff joints, from birth), but he had no problem pressing the numbers and getting help for his mom.

Aydhun is 5 years old, which is an age when children can be taught how and when to use 911. KidsHealth shares some amazing tips on how to talk with your children about 911, such as how to explain what 911 is, what kinds of emergencies would warrant a call (serious injury, unconscious family member, fire, intruder) and when you shouldn’t dial 911 (stolen bike, skinned knee or a missing pet). It’s also important to emphasize that calling 911 isn’t something you should ever do as a joke or for fun.

KidsHealth also suggests acting out various situations to help your kids determine if 911 is something they need to call or not. Kids can also be taught to dial your phone, whether it’s a traditional home phone or a cellphone — have them practice turning it on and dialing their grandparents, for example.

Aydhun’s mom is proud of her superhero son and grateful that he remained calm during the call. He’s a smart little boy, and his mom says his superpower is love. I’d have to agree.

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