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Parents arrested for giving teens weed and cocaine to clean their rooms

If you find it ridiculous that Florida parents Joey and Chad Mudd thought it was a good idea to give their teenage daughters weed and cocaine to get them to clean their rooms, then congratulations — you probably don’t need your parenting card revoked. The Mudds were arrested this week for using drugs as a parenting tool to “teach” their 13-year-old and 14-year-old daughters the value of doing chores.

WFLA News Channel 8

So, on the one hand, it’s great these parents are encouraging their daughters to do chores. We all know how important it is for teens to take responsibility and pull their weight around the house. They’re going to be living in the real world soon enough.

But the Mudds went and mucked it up because they used weed and cocaine to incentivize their young daughters so that they would perform better at home and school. As you might have guessed, the Mudds have been arrested for this brilliant parenting approach and are now facing multiple counts of child abuse.

Investigators confirmed the teens were given weed in the family’s Largo, Florida, home. Thirty-six-year-old Chad was also charged with giving his daughters cocaine and snorting it with them in his truck. The girls’ mother, 34-year-old Joey, said she smoked pot with her daughters on five occasions and called the drug a “bargaining tool.” Sadly, the Mudds have another young daughter in preschool, believed to have been temporarily placed with a family member.

There is so much wrong with this story that it’s hard to know where to begin. You may often hear the topic of bribing and rewarding kids for their chores hotly debated in parenting circles. But never in the history of ever has the idea of using drugs to entice teenagers to do their chores come up.

Normal parents do not do this. Any normal parent would be ashamed of using drugs in front of their kids. Any normal parent would have enough of a conscience not to do drugs with their kids. And just about 99 percent of parents would think it was absolutely horrifying to give teenagers illegal drugs in exchange for their cooperation around the house.

This story has a bit of a jokey feel to it because it sounds too bizarre to be true. But in this case, my heart goes out to those teenage girls. They didn’t choose to be raised by two irresponsible parents. And they certainly didn’t choose to be put through hell as their parents quite possibly lose custody.

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