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Mom with a great sense of humor turns her toddler into Heisenberg (VIDEO)

Toddlers aren’t exactly known for their enduring patience and ability to sit still for long periods of time, which is why you take your sanity into your own hands when you attempt to cut their hair yourself.

That’s exactly what one mom did, and when she junked it all up by carving a big piece of her kid’s mop out, she didn’t get upset about it. Instead, she did what any woman in her right mind would do when presented with the opportunity and turned her son in the cutest little drug lord ever: Walter White.

Video Credit: Mary Monroe/YouTube

Mary Monroe’s toddler son looks pretty good with a shiny dome, but he looks even better with a penciled on beard, dark-rimmed specs and the haunted look of a man who will do anything to stay on top of the pure methamphetamine empire he’s created.

May we all learn an important lesson from Mary: When life gives you a wiggly toddler, a set of hair clippers and a bristly bald patch where a sizable portion of their hair used to be, you don’t get upset. You are the one who knocks. You are the danger. You break bad.

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