You don’t want to miss your college graduation, but what if you had a baby the night before?
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Juliet Smith was dining out the night before her college graduation when her water broke, and as her baby had no interest in waiting, she went to the hospital instead of to her college graduation. In a completely aww-worthy moment, her college decided to bring the celebration to her.
Smith says she was waiting for her food to arrive at the table when she felt a “pop,” and when the waiter asked if hers was the salmon salad, she looked up and sharply said, “No!”
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It was indeed her salad, but the fact that her water had just broke grabbed her attention. She and her family made their way to a hospital, and instead of prepping for her graduation the next morning, she was having her baby — a boy named Milo who was born shortly before midnight.
Smith wasn’t due until June 9, but as many moms know, a due date is never, ever set in stone. Milo was definitely on the early side, as his small stature proved when he was born weighing 5 pounds, 7 ounces, but as both mom and baby are doing well, being born three weeks early didn’t cause any problems.
Oh, except Smith missed her college graduation. As she sat in her hospital bed with her newborn son, her mother phoned the college to let them know she wouldn’t be in to accept her diploma at the commencement. And the dean of students at Guilford College had an idea — he would hand-deliver her diploma to her in the hospital.
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However, the good news didn’t stop there. Another professor accompanied him and played “Pomp and Circumstance” on the tuba, and another professor pushed her down an aisle in a wheelchair. Later, Milo got to hear a rendition of “Happy Birthday” as his mom beamed.
I’m sure Smith had her college graduation experience planned out to a T. As her baby wasn’t due until the second week of June, she assumed she’d have plenty of time to walk across the stage and accept her diploma, and with most pregnancies, this is the case. There are those little ones who come earlier than expected, and when hers did, the college stepped in to make her day way cooler, and I love them for that.
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