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Bus driver fired for telling girl she’s gay and will ‘burn in hell’

A school bus driver in Kansas City, Missouri, has been fired for doing a lot more than driving the bus. She took it upon herself to assess the sexual orientation of two fifth-grade girls and let one of them know where she’d be spending the afterlife.

It started with a game the girls were playing. According to Fox4KC, the girls were playing a game while riding the bus that involved touching each other’s arms. That was enough for the bus driver to take it upon herself to try to save their souls.

After dropping off the other students, she took one of the girls — Maurissa Rushing, 11 — to the back of the bus. Rushing told the station:

She said that we are gonna burn in hell real bad. I didn’t expect it to happen.

Why would she expect it to happen? It shouldn’t have happened. In what world was this bus driver living that she thought this was her job or in any way appropriate to discuss the girls’ sexuality or the eternal fires of hell?

The girls wisely told the school what happened, and the driver was wisely fired. Oddly, though, neither the school nor the bus company called Rushing’s mother after the incident, and she is considering a lawsuit. I’m not sure a lawsuit is necessary, but I do understand why she would be upset that she wasn’t told right away. She told the station:

I feel like she was all day by herself, dealing with it. How do you deal with that at 11?

Maurissa summed up the whole experience pretty well. “She’s just been the most horrible bus driver I’ve ever had.” Amen.

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