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How to make your own backyard water blob

Swimming pool meets trampoline with this awesome summer outdoor project. With just a few supplies from the hardware store you’ll have everything you need to create hours of summer fun for your kids.


  • 0.7 mil (or thicker) plastic drop cloth
  • Iron
  • Ironing board
  • Duct tape
  • Parchment paper or pressing cloth


1. Line up the edges

Unroll the plastic tarp, then fold it in 1/2, lining up the edges. Fold the edges inward approximately 2 inches.

2. Seal the edges

Heat up your iron on a medium-low setting. Place a piece of parchment paper or a pressing cloth over the plastic tarp. Iron the edge of the plastic sheeting for 2-3 seconds to melt the edges of the plastic together.

3. Leave a gap

As you work your way around the edges of the plastic, leave a small opening to put the hose through to fill the water blob.

4. Tape the edges

For extra reinforcement, fold up the edge of the plastic 1 more time and use duct tape to keep it in place.

5. Fill it up

Take the water blob outside and fill it up with water. Once it is completely full, remove the hose from the blob, roll the plastic over and use another piece of duct tape to close up the opening.

6. Time to play

Once the water blob is full it’s time to hop on for some cool summer fun.

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