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Dad posts hilarious YouTube video of different ways to hold a baby

Do you know the difference between a telephone hold and standard shoulder hold? Prepare to be both amused and educated by this awesome video.

In a sea of parenting advice and tips, it’s always great to find something lighthearted. If you haven’t smiled today, hopefully this will do the trick.

It’s pretty darn cute.

Jordan Watson is making people chuckle with a YouTube video he posted on all the ways to hold a baby. Featuring holds like “hide ya beer belly” and “baby Jesus,” the instructional video has since gone viral, with more than 828,000 views.

“No babies were harmed in the making of the video,” jokes Watson.

Thus far, the response on YouTube has been mostly positive. Jordan’s commenters are full of praises and requests for more videos.

“For all those soon to be dad’s out there with no idea how to hold a baby, here is an instructional video for you,” writes Adrian Carter.

“That’s one patient baby,” writes Alex.

“I’ve got twins on the way!” writes Harold Davidson. “Please help, need crash course in the double-hold for advanced users!”

Honestly, it would be pretty silly to find fault with this dad for posting such a fun video. Sure, you might not see these terms in the “traditional” book on parenting, but they’re comical and intentionally tongue-in-cheek. It’s also pretty refreshing to see parenting tips delivered by a guy. Don’t get me wrong, I love receiving advice from other mommies, but the dads need representation too. Contrary to belief, many fathers are extremely hands-on when it comes to their children — even if they happen to associate a baby hold with a pack of beer.

I truly hope new dads will look at this video, as many in my circle of friends get overwhelmed at the thought of changing a diaper, let alone holding their own child. The reality of parenthood can be very scary for any newcomer. Sure, your level of comfort increases over time, but think back to the early days of being a mother or a father. Didn’t you feel a tad bit nervous you would break your baby or mishandle it in some way?

I know I did.

Parents should know it’s OK to think outside the box when it comes to their child. Not everything has to be so technical and dry.

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