In 2012 Allison Tate wrote an article in the Huffington Post “The Mom Stays in the Picture”.
It started conversations worldwide about how mothers are just too busy or not “put together” enough to want to be “in the picture.” All mothers are so intertwined in their children’s lives, they forget to turn the camera on themselves. Tate wrote, “I’m everywhere in their young lives, and yet I have very few pictures of me with them. Someday I won’t be here, and I don’t know if that someday is tomorrow or 30 or 40 or 50 years from now, but I want them to have pictures of me.” These are words of wisdom and of tragedy. Every mother should be an important player and be documented just as much as their children’s lives. After all, she is the reason they are here.
Here are some fun photo tips to keep mom “in the picture.”
Taking them out to lunch? Lean into the frame when taking pictures during mealtime.
Image: Jennifer Martin
When sitting around the dinner table at a restaurant, or having a date night on a hot summer day, make sure to bring yourself into the moment.
Image: Jennifer Martin
Snuggle time is great for selfie time. A mother’s favorite pastime is snuggling with her kids, so grab your phone or camera and snap away.
Image: Jennifer Martin
Image: Jennifer Martin
Pets are a great excuse to jump into the picture too!
Everyone loves a good dog photo, so snap a photo of yourself when your dog jumps in your lap. The kids might see and join in on the fun.
Image: Jennifer Martin
Silly moments are the most fun. Make sure you have fun too!
Image: Jennifer Martin
Family outings are important as well! Having the entire family in one shot makes fridge-worthy moments. If you see another family in the park, ask them to take your family portrait; they will understand the value of the moment.
Image: Jennifer Martin
Nap time? This is a perfect time to have your child stay still. Wherever you are!
Image: Jennifer Martin
When they first wake up! Those first smiles after a nap are too precious. Jump in there and capture the moment.
Image: Jennifer Martin
Heading to bed? Those are some moments you can also take a quick snap and get your kids smiling before bedtime.
The small moments are the ones that count.
Image: Jennifer Martin
Just had a baby? Invite friends over.
You love taking photos of your friends with your newborn. So after you snap a cute one of them, get in there and snap the three of you. It will turn out to be your favorite.
Image: Tiffany Hagler-Geard/SheKnowsGot a little bigger budget? Splurge and hire a photographer to document your daily life with your baby.
Image: Tiffany Hagler-Geard/SheKnows
Just remember the journey is yours to capture as well as your children’s. As Allison Tate says, “There I am, hair not quite coiffed, makeup minimal, face fuller than I would like, one hand holding a sleeping baby’s head and the other wrapped around my sweet littlest guy, who could not care less what I look like.”
Image: Tiffany Hagler-Geard/SheKnows
After you’ve captured these precious moments with your family, use a photo montage app like RealTimes to create something truly special. RealTimes allows you to create meaningful stories from your photos and video. By providing music, transitions, effects and an intuitive interface, RealTimes takes the work out of creating a family photo montage. All you have to do is select your photos and video and RealTimes creates a beautiful photo story to share with family and friends. Or, maybe it’s just for you to enjoy.
This is part of a sponsored collaboration between RealTimes and SheKnows
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