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Mom shares terrifying ordeal with baby’s beloved Sophie the Giraffe

Sophie the Giraffe is one of the most popular baby toys on the market today. But one mom has warned, via Facebook, that those willowy giraffe legs can be choked on.

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Katie Jones describes the day when her young baby was happily gnawing on Sophie’s soft body and she quickly walked into the kitchen to grab something. When she came back into the room, her 6-month-old girl was lying still on the floor and turning blue because she had managed to get one of the toy’s legs lodged in her throat.

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Happily, Jones was able to remove the toy, and her daughter soon vomited and started breathing again, but Jones was completely horrified that this happened:

Yikes! This definitely gives every mom pause, as something that is marketed toward parents of small babies has this potential — remember, the packaging says it’s suitable for ages 0 and up.

Should we ban Sophie? No. But it’s important for parents to know that gagging and choking on her legs is a possibility when their baby plays with her. While there have been no recalls of this product, a quick internet search will turn up reviews from other parents who claim the same thing happened with their baby, and several incidents have been reported to

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Sophie is so sought after because she’s easy to grasp, she’s made of natural rubber, and she gives off a pleasant squeak when squeezed. Despite several complaints that she is an “overpriced dog toy,” moms love her, as she has several nubby parts on her head that are excellent for teething babies to chew on.

But as with anything, you should probably not leave your baby alone with her, just on the off chance that one of her soft and supple legs gets worked down your infant’s windpipe. This means you probably shouldn’t leave her in your baby’s crib or even while you’re driving your baby around in her rear-facing car seat — unless someone is back there with her to keep an eye on any leg-eating.

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