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Please don’t be that mom at school this year

As a new school year begins, it’s hard not to be a bit anxious as a parent. Will we like our child’s teacher? Will our kids grasp the concepts taught in the curriculum? But most of all, what will the other classroom moms be like?

Adjusting to a new back-to-school routine is challenging for both kids and adults, but certain parents stake their claim early and often and let you know where you stand in their pecking order. Here are some tips to make sure you’re not that mom this year.

Please don’t be that mom who on the first day of school smirks and says, “So good to run into you… I hardly ever see you at school!”

Please don’t be that mom who signs up to be “Room-Mom” and proceeds to tell every other volunteer the correct way to do things.

Please don’t be that mom who scowls at the women who shower and get dressed in the morning… or scowls at the ones who don’t.

Please don’t be that mom who bakes homemade cupcakes for their child’s birthday and then judges others for bringing store-bought treats.

Please don’t be that mom who responds “reply all” to every single email.

Please don’t be that mom who continuously posts on Facebook how incredible your life is and why your children are more amazing than the rest of ours.

Please don’t be that mom who says “That’s so nice that you could finally drive to a field trip.”

Please don’t be that mom who doesn’t talk to moms who work.

Please don’t be that mom who dismisses moms who stay at home.

Please don’t be that mom who constantly tells everybody how busy you are.

Please don’t be that mom who talks behind my back. If you have something to say, please say it to my face.

Please don’t be that mom who allows your child to bully and disrespect other kids. Set boundaries and expectations — enforce them too.

Please don’t be that mom who competes with the rest of us. We’re all doing the best we can.

Honestly, it’s hard enough raising a family with all the bumps and bruises along the way. This year, let’s try to be that mom who lends a helping hand, embraces our differences and understands that we’re all in this together.

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