Little Ethan Bromby can’t quite believe the luck when his mom shows him an ultrasound photo and tells him she’s pregnant. He alternates between thinking she’s tricking him and sheer joy.
His mom, Sarah Bromby of Scunthorpe, England, captured the whole thing on camera, and his adorable accent makes the whole thing even more delightful.
You can just see the wheels spinning in his mind, and he’s already making plans about where the baby will sleep and how he can help. You can tell he’s going to be a great big brother already. The video has gone viral with millions of views because it’s just that cute.
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You never know how kids are going to react to learning that their family is changing in such a big way, but Ethan’s response was perfect. Some kids aren’t quite so excited, like this boy who found his mom’s pregnancy exasperating or this boy who burst into tears when learning his mom was pregnant with twins.
More: 20 Moms share the worst things people said when they got pregnant
The good news is that regardless of how they take the news, there are many proven benefits for children who have siblings. Also, even if they initially don’t want siblings, they usually grow to love and appreciate them … after about 20 years of squabbling and bickering.
More: Twin gives birth to sister’s baby in incredible show of sibling love
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