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Hilarious stories of mums buying tampons with their kids are the best

A mother’s embarrassing experience when buying sanitary products in a supermarket has prompted other mums to share similar funny tales.

The Facebook page for the parenting blog The Unmumsy Mum is appreciated by hundreds of thousands of women as being an ideal place to share parenting slip-ups and those mortifying moments when our kids inadvertently embarrass us beyond belief.

The mum, who wishes to remain anonymous, posted: “While in Waitrose (trying to act posh) my three-year-old boy said very loudly when I picked up some tampons ‘yes you need more string up your bum don’t you’.”

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The blog is run by Sarah Turner from Devon, who captioned the screenshot of the comment with: “Struggling to remember what life was like before I received such gems via message.”

It clearly struck a chord with mothers as it has now been liked over 6,500 times and inspired several of them to share their own funny sanitary-related parenting stories:

“My 3yr old at the time started screaming-” mummy,mummy come quickly” whilst letting out more screams. I ran as fast as I could too the bathroom and he says while crying” I think my daddy’s winkie has fallen off!” I look in the toilet to discover that the tampax hadn’t flushed away. Me- “so it has darling”. I couldn’t find the words.”

“My 3 year old once turned to a male stranger when I was buying tampons and whispered “there not sweeties”

“In a supermarket buying tampons and my 4yo walks round the supermarket for the rest of the food shop telling every stranger we walked past that “mummy was bleeding from her bumbum

“when my son was approx 3 yrs old, he burst in while i was changing my sanitary towel. He looked and loudly said ‘Mummy! You have a dirty nappy!”

“When my son was little he found a Tampax in my handbag, unwrapped it and then took his pet “mouse” everywhere with him.”

“When my daughter was 5 I came home from the shop and looked up at the house to see sanitary towels stuck all over her window. After racing up to her bedroom I found a whole pack (with wings) had been transformed into butterflies to decorate her window.”

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“I remember when my eldest was tiny. I must have flushed but the tampon hadn’t gone. He went to the loo and came running in to me ” mummy there’s a little animal in the loo and….” With tears running down his face….”I think it’s injured cos it’s bleeding” OMG!”

“My 6 year old shouted from 3 aisles over in my local tesco “mum I’ve found your nappies” Needless to say I was mortified!”

“My daughter took some out of my handbag when she was little and shared them with her friends in the street then asked ‘have you got any more whistles”

Ive got a tampon in my drawer ,lovingly coloured in with orange pen it has eyes and a nose , “its an orange mouse to match your hair ” my neice said when she gave it to me she checks every morning to make sure its still there”

“In my case my little boy when he was about 3 made a road on the floor out of my sanitary liners. I think he has got it after me as when I was 2 years old I found my mum’s tampons and decorated our Christmas tree with them just before guests arrived for a dinner :-:-“

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