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Bizarre Twister Halloween costume for little girls is more trick than treat

Halloween is a day of pure magic for little kids. You get to go outside when it’s dark, you can eat a vast amount of sugar, and you can wear and pretend to be whoever or whatever you want. It’s a day for parents to step back and let our children select a costume that speaks to their imaginations… unless your child wants to wear this Twister disguise costume.

That’s your cue to come forward, resist the urge to place your left foot on yellow, and encourage them to wear something else. Anything else.

Being an inanimate object people literally walk all over in their sweaty socks isn’t a life goal we should be encouraging young children to have. Say what you will about seemingly helpless princesses being poor role models for young girls but at least when Sleeping Beauty lays supine, she does it like royalty — on a feather pillow and in some 500 thread count sheets. Even dressing as the carpet from Aladdin would be a more empowered choice than this Twister costume, since being able to fly and saving people from the Cave of Wonders are respectable aspirations for kids to have.

More: Cecil the Lion Killer tops utterly offensive Halloween costumes for 2015

If you live anywhere on the Eastern seaboard, you’re going to freeze going trick-or-treating wearing a dress made of plasticized fabric. And let’s fervently hope this particular dress had an extremely unfortunate cut from the bolt of fabric and that not all of these costumes feature a symbol encouraging a person to place their hand directly on a young girl’s chest.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong about a girl wanting to dress prettily for Halloween. However, there are countless other costumes that can accomplish that goal better than this one. If you take away the admittedly fun spinner headband and the advertisement/sash, all you have is a dress straight out of the 1960s (and a perfectly acceptable Twiggy costume).

More: 10 Awkward baby Halloween costumes from the depths of Pinterest

But this dress is being marketed as a disguise, and that’s where it’s an utter failure. Any Halloween costume which requires the name of what you’re supposed to be written in bold lettering so people aren’t confused is simply a bad costume. Even with the name predominately displayed, the adults handing out candy may know what you are, but fellow trick-or-treaters might be stumped. Do kids even play Twister anymore?

If, by some unfortunate series of events (involving your daughter’s first trip to the mall unsupervised and a pushy sales clerk) she comes home with this costume in tow, there’s a silver lining. While it’s not a great Halloween costume, there are several ways to put it to good use outside of Oct. 31.

More: What Halloween costume represents your parenting style

This dress is perfect for hiding the class bully in a ball pit, and its bright splotches of color and water-resistant exterior would make a wonderful art smock. It would come in handy to help direct traffic if the school bus breaks down, or is the perfect camouflage in a game of hide and seek — no need to hide, just lie down.

Sorry Hasbro, but this costume is definitely more trick than treat.

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