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Mom puts breast milk under microscope and gets big surprise (VIDEO)

When Rachel Lim’s husband brought home a microscope from work recently, Rachel did an experiment of her own. As a breastfeeding mom, she wanted to see what the breast milk she was feeding her child looked like under the lens. What she found blew her away.

There she saw particles “moving and quivering.” Basically it was alive, as you can see in this video she captured.

While Lim’s discovery was new to her and surprising to most who see the video, scientists have long known this about breast milk. According to Medela, the live cells in breast milk include bacterial cells to bolster the baby’s immune system, white blood cells that kill bad bacteria and viruses, and stem cells that may act as an internal repair system. How incredible that our bodies are capable of producing something so powerful for our babies! While science has repeatedly shown us the benefits of breast milk, actually seeing that power with our own eyes at this microscopic level just reinforces it.

More:Incredible photo project celebrates moms who breastfeed and bottle-feed

Because it’s alive, that’s why experts recommend against putting pumped breast milk in the microwave and caution people to refrain from shaking it too much. You want to keep as many of those amazing cells alive as possible.

More: Blissful breastfeeding photos show beautiful moments between a mother and child

Earlier this year, another mom put breast milk under a microscope and found something else — it’s a beautiful, shimmery, liquid gold image when viewed up close. The picture is stunning.

Liquid Gold – Breast Milk Under A Microscope (magnified 10X)

While that appearance may be due largely to unfiltered lighting, it’s still a beautiful representation of what is undeniably liquid gold — live liquid gold — in many other senses.

More: 10 Terrible reasons to breastfeed

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