Few things in this life are more permanent than a tattoo, but mother of three Lindsay Peace has altered hers for one of her sons, proving a parent’s love can outlive anything.
A mother of three, Peace altered the tattoo she had of her now 15-year-old son, Ace. The image shows her son wearing a pink dress and pigtails. Ace is transgender and doesn’t identify as being female.
With three young boys in tow, Peace says she would frequently get asked about who the little girl in the tattoo was, and the family often joked that it was a neighbour. But a year since Ace came out as being a transgender boy, Peace said it was time to alter the tattoo in support of her son.
More:9 Series bringing transgender struggles to the forefront
Initially it was Ace who asked Peace to remove it, but dad Steve Peace, a tattoo artist, changed the tattoo instead. The dress has gone and so have the pigtails. Instead Ace is seen wearing a blue T-shirt with a slingshot poking out of his top.
Parents of trans kids are doing so much to educate the rest of the world about what it means to be transgender and how much love and support they have behind them.
In Australia, the LGBTI community are three times more likely to experience depression than the rest of the community.
According to the National LGBTI Health Alliance, in 2005 at least 36.2 per cent of trans people suffered from a major depressive episode, compared to just 6.8 per cent of the general population — a startling statistic considering trans people make up a relatively small per cent of the community.
Other parents of transgender children are doing so much, not just to support their children’s life-altering situations, but also to educate the rest of the world about their predicament.
Brisbane mother Renée Fabish also made a grand gesture to support her son Milla, by releasing a video that explained and showed support of his situation.
At the age of 6, Milla began to fall into depression, saying she wanted to be a boy.
In a video Fabish posted on her Facebook page, she asked for friends, family and the wider community to support her son as he transitioned. The video received millions of views and was a wonderful reminder that with support and love, anything is possible.
More:Mum captures moment transgender teen gets first hormones in amazing video
Melbourne mum and former teacher Jessica Walton even published a children’s book about being transgender to help families with small children understand and accept the process, after her dad came out as a transgender woman, Tina.
Unable to find a children’s book that related to her family and dealt with the issues she wanted to communicate to her son, she decided to write a book herself.
At the end of the day, Ace’s father says that the most rewarding thing is to make sure his kids are happy.
“We weren’t surprised,” Peace said about Ace’s coming out. “As parents, you say, ‘Whatever makes you happy,’ and we’ve seen him become happier and happier as time goes on, which makes us happy.”
Here’s hoping parents like these will result in more happy trans kids in the future, finding comfort in the fact that they are accepted, loved and appreciated by the wider community.
What do you think about Peace’s altered tattoo? Let us know.
More:Transgender 13-year-old comes out in this amazingly heartfelt speech (VIDEO)
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