A great way to spend quality time with your children is by drawing with them, but this mum has managed to transform her offspring’s adorable doodles into something truly magnificent.
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Paula Sheedy, who has a background in graphic design and web development, has started a Kickstarter campaign that showcases the illustrations she has created with her three children, Nate, Jeremy and Summer. She hopes to raise money to fund her dream of creating an educational game and app, which will incorporate the family’s artistic collaborations.
Speaking of how she began colouring in her children’s artwork, the Queensland native revealed that it all started with one of her son’s drawings.
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“I was inspired to colour in my kids drawings, and so I did. I love how innocent and pure their lines are and I can see beyond the outlines they create. I started to colour in Jeremy’s (my 2nd [child]) drawings last year,” she writes. “He was 6 at the time. One of his drawings is our pet chooks Mavis, Roxy and Blitz. My 3rd is a little tomboy princess, Summer who luuuurrrrvs [sic] to draw. I put one of her drawings up here (the Wise Little Owl) that she did when she was 2. I am working on our eldest son’s drawings and hoping to use them in the future for our ‘dream’ of creating games. Your feedbacks are important to me to show the kids that our collaborations are actually liked and do work. It will be a great encouragement for my little artists to continue to create and go go go.”
If you fancy supporting a local artist (who loves to work with her children), then here’s what you can get: By pledging $10 to her goal of $2,500, you can receive “1 set of 5 x 7 photo prints of our chooks (Mavis, Roxy and Blitz) from the CHOOKS HOUSE (set of 3).”
If you back $15 or more, the reward is the same, but you get an additional 5×7 photo print of the original drawing and the progress. The process continues with various artworks offered as rewards for those who are willing to back projects.
There’s even an image of aliens for those space lovers out there.
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We love this idea of working with and encouraging children to use their imagination, artistic talent and creative skills to collaborate on something beautiful.
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