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Gorgeous photos show badass mom breastfeeding two toddlers at same time

Everyone has an opinion on breastfeeding. Throw the words “extended” and “tandem” into the mix, and the discussion can get pretty heated. But really, the only thing anyone needs to do is look at these amazing photographs of a Texas mom feeding her two daughters. All you see is beauty.

Chelsea Craig is a proud tandem-feeding mother of Addilynn, who is almost 4, and 16-month-old Emilynn — although that wasn’t something she specifically set out to become.

More: Mom breastfeeds two babies but only one is hers

“I realised early on in motherhood that my relationship with breastfeeding could not be planned,” she told Kidspot. “Instead, I allowed it to become a journey. Some days that journey is hard and I want to quit, but others that journey is beautiful. Breastfeeding allows me a time to be present with my girls where nothing else matters.”

When Craig commissioned photographer Mae Burke to shoot herself and her girls, her only request was that the images captured them “living life.”

So when the girls became hungry, it was only natural for Craig to feed them, and Burke simply carried on snapping.

“[Craig] approached me for a typical session in which I capture candid interactions between her and her children,” Burke told SheKnows. “I am aware before the session of whether or not my client would like breastfeeding images, should their child want/need to nurse during our time together, and just like all of the other intimate moments I am photographing, I simply continue shooting.”

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