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Alison Sweeney: How I set an example of strength for my daughter

Raising a daughter is hard. It always has been, but with all the pressure in today’s society, it seems harder than when my mom raised me (though she’d likely say the same about raising me verses when she was growing up). So how do we raise confident, independent women? For me, it’s about setting the right example. I make a point of always talking about the positives with my daughter Megan — how great she looks, how well she carries herself. I focus on what is good rather than on the negative. I also do the same about myself when around her, and it has helped me carry that strength even when we’re not together.

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I’m a big believer in finding the positives — not that I don’t beat myself up silently at times. But the strength we present becomes the way others view us. To help, though, these are my go-tos for exuding strength as a mom and a woman:

1. Start your day with the intention to do the best you can.

I’m a big believer in having a morning routine — something that I know I can start my day with that sets me up for success. I keep the curtains open so I’m waking up to natural light. From there, it’s brushing my teeth for a clean and confident smile during the day and then making myself a nourishing breakfast so I have the strength and stamina for the day.

2. Dress for success.

If I look in the mirror and question whether or not I like the outfit, I always make a change. By wearing something that makes me feel confident, I’ll have less self-doubt, and it makes me feel more focused on what I’m doing than if I’m looking OK.

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3. Pack snacks.

There’s nothing worse than being cranky because you’re hungry. If you pack healthy snacks, you’ll always be your best self and know that you’re ready to tackle anything that comes your way. I love a homemade trail mix of dried blueberries, raw nuts, seeds and some dark chocolate chunks.

4. Think positively.

So often we tend to think negatively — that something isn’t getting done, that you could have been better — but that doubt should be replaced with confidence that you’re doing the best you can in every facet of your life.

5. Take time to reflect.

At the end of my day, I’ll often take some time to think back on what I accomplished and how much I was able to do in the day. I try to focus on the positives, and by doing so, I’m happy with myself and setting the best example for my family. I also encourage the same from them as we go around the dinner table and each say what was the best part of our day.

Let me know what works best for you to set a confident example for your kids. I can’t wait to try new tips!

Alison Sweeney is an actress, television host, director and author. Her latest book, Opportunity Knocks, is a must-have bedside read. She’s also a spokesperson for .Check out this SheKnows I’ll Try It video, sponsored by Arm & Hammer:Blogger takes on the Grand Canyon Skywalk.

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