You want to have a baby, but after giving the task your best efforts in the bedroom, you still aren’t pregnant. Whether you’re just curious about your options or want to do whatever it takes to put a bun in your oven ASAP, a meeting with an infertility specialist might be in the cards.
But after you snag an appointment, then what? You don’t want to show up empty-handed. Take this list of 30 questions with you so you can get the most out of your consultation and have all the information you need to choose your next step toward becoming a parent.
1. What is my diagnosis?
2. Can my condition improve or worsen over time?
3. Does my partner also have a condition that contributes to our fertility issues?
4. Would you recommend any further diagnostic tests? If so, which and why?
5. What type of infertility treatment would you recommend trying first?
6. Does this treatment involve surgery and/or medications, or both?
7. What are the risks of treatment for my own health?
8. How many office visits does this treatment require and how often would they occur?
9. Would I need someone to drive me home?
10. Would I need time off from work and/or exercise following treatment or a procedure?
11. What would a timetable for this treatment look like?
12. In your experience, how often does this treatment result in pregnancy?
13. How many of those pregnancies result in a live birth?
14. Does this treatment increase the chances of having twins or multiples?
15. What, if any, are the risks of this treatment to the baby?
16. Do you recommend any alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, as a replacement or supplement to these treatments?
17. How many cycles of this treatment would you recommend before trying another option?
18. Would you recommend taking a break between treatment cycles, and if so, how long?
19. Are there any changes to my lifestyle that could increase my chances of getting pregnant or improve my condition without medical intervention?
20. Is there a treatment option for me that would require the use of a sperm donor or donor eggs?
21. Does your clinic provide those services?
22. What is the success rate for that treatment?
23. What does that treatment entail?
24. Does your clinic allow egg sharing when two or more women share the cost and eggs harvested from a single donor?
25. What is my long-term prognosis?
26. Knowing my medical history, can you give me your best guess as to my likely chances of a successful pregnancy?
27. What does treatment cost?
28. When is payment due?
29. Does my insurance cover any of the cost?
30. Do you offer any payment plans for out-of-pocket expenses?
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