Breastfeeding is a fantastic way to both feed your child and bond with your baby at the same time, but getting to that Zen-peaceful moment — when your baby is happily eating while you enjoy the sweet smell of newborn skin — doesn’t always come easily. When breastfeeding is a struggle but you don’t want to give up, changing positions can help solve your issue. But which position to try? We consulted with experts to bring you six different breastfeeding positions as well as the situations in which each position might come in handy.
Cradle hold
The cradle hold feels more snuggly than other breastfeeding positions, which is why it’s often the go-to feeding position for moms, says Tipper Gallagher, IBCLC and author of The Boob Geek. “It’s a really good position for nursing in public for those who are nervous about it,” she says, “since your baby’s body will cover yours, and it’s not very obvious that you’re breastfeeding unless someone looks very closely.”
Cross-cradle hold
Jenny Weaver, RN, IBCLC and IBCLC facilitator at Boston Medical Center’s Baby Café at the Codman Square Health Center,suggests the cross-cradle hold as a good option for plus-size moms. “Because the baby is held along the breasts, it helps bring the baby in close to your body for a deep latch,” she says.
Next up:More breastfeeding positions
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