Football hold
The football hold is a good option if you’re a mom who likes to watch her baby while they feed or if you’re a mom with large breasts that prevent you from easily seeing what’s going on while your baby feeds. “The football hold is good because it allows the baby to get a big mouthful, and Mom can see better what is going on,” says Wendy Wisner, IBCLC. It’s also a good option for tandem-feeding twins, but you may need assistance getting both babies latched. Gallagher reminds us that when tandem-feeding in the football hold, “Don’t rely on the pillow too much, and make sure the babies are pulled in closely to you.”
Side-lying hold
If your baby is a fan of midnight snacks, then this is the position for you. “Hands down, side-lying is lifesaving for middle-of-the-night feeds,” says Wisner. She recommends getting someone, like your partner, to help you get the baby latched on while you’re lying down. Or, “You can also latch your baby on while sitting on the bed and then slide down to find a natural side-lying position.”
Next up:More breastfeeding positions
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