Upright nursing hold
If your milk flows too fast for your baby to keep up, Wisner suggests trying an upright feeding position. Working against gravity can help slow down your flow.
Lying-back hold
Weaver reminds us that any of the traditional breastfeeding positions can also be performed in a lying-back position. To do this, recline far enough so you don’t have to support the baby but can still maintain eye contact. Then place your baby tummy down on your chest. The position is relaxing (making it great for night feedings) and easily adjustable to keep a baby off a healing C-section scar. Because the baby is working against gravity to eat, the position can help with a fast milk flow.
And keep in mind these tips from Gallagher for breastfeeding in general:
- Baby needs to be pulled tightly, his belly turned into your body. Keep your hand off the back of his head; instead, use a hand on his upper back to pull him in.
- Look for ear, shoulder and hip in alignment — that is, baby isn’t on her back with her head turned toward the breast.
- Baby’s chin should be off his chest. Think of how you have to tilt your head back to take a drink; babies need to do that too.
- Baby’s chin should be into the breast and her nose free of it. Her cheeks should be close enough to the breast that they’re touching it.
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