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Parental Advisory: Is baby’s first Facebook page even ethical?

Welcome back to Parental Advisory, where I answer all your social media and IRL parenting etiquette questions. This week, let’s talk about Facebook pages for babies and kids as I respond to two questions that deal with the same subject from different perspectives.

Question #1, from a soon-to-be parent:

Very weird question, but is it at all acceptable to have a Facebook page for your baby/child? (Ignoring the whole “Facebook policy” issue.) I’m pregnant, and I want to be a “Mom’s Gold Star” mom and not baby-spam my entire news feed with baby pics and updates when I have the kid (I have professional clients as friends as well).

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I realize the simple solution is to limit what I post, use restricted albums, etc. That seems pretty easy. The hard part is when other people post pictures of or stories about your kid, then tag you. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve found a long-lost friend on Facebook, then scrolled through their tagged pictures, only to feel like they must be a 2-year-old toddler now. I don’t want to untag all of the pics of my kid, as I’m sure other family members, etc., might want to see them in their feed when posted, and it seems like a whole lot of work to copy each pic, then upload it into my own restricted album. It seems like the simple solution might be to have a page for the kid with only specific friends, then post updates about the baby from there, and people can also tag the kid individually all they want. Of course, the opposite side of this issue is that I would have created a Facebook page for my freaking kid, which sounds insane.



Up next:STFU answers

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