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Kids write to Trump and ask him to be a kind president

Following last week’s surprising election result, parents across the country who’ve used Trump as an example to their kids of how not to behave are now struggling to explain to them how he managed to get elected president. It’s been difficult to find a way to be positive for our kids about our country’s future, but one Seattle parent is trying to use Trump’s election as a way to encourage children to promote kindness in our future president.

Molly Spence Sahebjami started a Facebook group the day after the election called Dear President Trump: Letters From Kids About Kindness. Described as a “multi-partisan, global grassroots campaign,” the group asks children up to the age of 18 to send positive, non-partisan letters to Donald Trump at his home in Trump Tower about “…the importance of being kind to people, even if they’re different than you are.”

The group, which currently has almost 10,000 members, has been posting photos on social media of letters that children have written under the hashtag #KidsLetterstoTrump that will break your heart with their generosity and goodness. An article in the Washington Post quoted some of the letters:

  • A 6-year-old named Szaba wrote: “Dear Mr. President, be nice to things. Do not say mean things. This helps me calm down: meditation, reading, and resting. Good luck with your new job! Let me know if I can help!”
  • Seven-year-old Kela sent Trump a list of 12 ways to be nice, like “Say kind things like well done,” and “Listen to other people.” She also ended with a reminder that, “Being different is COOL!!!”
  • Abby, age 6, wrote: “Dear Mr. Trump, Kids in my class are very scared. Please don’t kick them out. In my school we get sent to the wall when we’re in trouble. My friends did not do anything wrong. Don’t send them to the wall. Love, Abby.”

As devastated and scared as many of us feel, now is the time to show our kids what it means to speak up for what’s right. Interested in having your child participate? Check out the guidelines outlined on the group’s Facebook page.

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