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Mom Wishes She Had Never Breastfed, and We Can Relate

It’s a pretty bold statement: “I wish I never breastfed my baby.”

But that’s just what Australian reality star Maddi Carter said about nursing her 4-month-old son, Marlow. In a brave — and honest — Instagram post, Carter said that she quit breastfeeding three weeks ago.
Does she regret the choice?

Not even a little bit. And we completely understand why.

More:Breastfeeding essentials to make nursing life easier

She spelled it out in the Instagram caption: “I’m a better mum and better wife,” Carter wrote. “I have more energy. I actually have gaps where bub is NOT on my body so I get to miss him a little. I have more time for my other son. I am more affectionate towards my husband.”

We know Carter is not alone in these thoughts because we had them too. Breastfeeding can be terribly difficult. The fact of the matter is, it’s just not for every mom. And if we could start supporting each mother in her choices — not just the ones who mother exactly as we do — well, that’s a world we’d like to live in.

More:Breastfeeding was a luxury this mom couldn’t afford

The former House Rules stars added, “I don’t dread going out in public. I enjoy my clothes again as I’m not leaking everywhere or having to wear uncomfortable maternity bras. I’m able to leave the house by myself without getting anxiety. I’m able to go to the gym again.”

Hell, yes. There’s nothing shallow about this thinking. We appreciate it when moms get real about the need for serious self-care. If we’re not taking care of ourselves, how can we take care of our kids?

And if the mom-shamers come after Carter, she sounds like she’s going to be just fine. This is a mom who knows what she wants and knows how important that is.

“There are so many different ways to be a mum,” she said. “But what many mums forget is that MUM HAS TO BE HAPPY TOO.”

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