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Why the Internet Is Losing It Over This Teen’s DIY Prom Dress

Get ready to do a collective slow clap for Shami Oshun, the 17-year-old who charmed Twitter — and then the whole internet — by documenting her last-minute scramble to make her own prom dress.

This budding fashion designer wasn’t so sure about prom, but at the last minute she decided to go. And we do mean last minute: Oshun had to figure out what to wear the night before the event.

This challenge would have been pretty daunting for any Project Runway designer (or Vera Wang or Zac Posen, for that matter). But Oshun remained pretty unfazed — although she admitted the time crunch was a little stressful.

“I didn’t really have an idea of what the dress was going to look like. I was worried it wasn’t going to be finished,” Oshun told BuzzFeed.

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With a bunch of purple tulle she’d scored for $15, Oshun faced the challenge head-on. She live-tweeted the entire process, never expecting the internet would fall in love with her.

We’re not surprised — who wouldn’t be proud of such an amazing young woman?

Oshun’s mom, Marlese Carroll, loved what her daughter did. “It was really pretty and different,” she said. “She always comes up with something unique.”

We’re betting Carroll won’t let us adopt her daughter, but still, it’s worth asking, maybe, right?

Check out the adorable saga:

And the final result:

Wow. Mission accomplished.

Oshun said the overwhelming love the internet showered on her — and her dress — “warms [her] heart.” The experience also made her want to kick some serious ass with her own brand, which “doesn’t get much attention.”

We have a feeling that’s about to change.

“Seeing that people like what I do makes me want to continue,” Oshun said. We can’t wait to see what this talented young designer comes up with next. (Kim Kardashian, if you’re reading this, we think Oshun should design your next Met Gala dress!)

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