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13-Week-Old Baby Says, ‘I Love You,’ Shocks World

We’ve seen some pretty amazing things in the world of baby news, but this video of a very chatty, very precocious 13-week-old Ellie Reid of Glasgow, Scotland, completely floored us.

Sure, it may look like your basic sweet baby video, but watch what happens when Ellie’s mother, Claire, tells Ellie she loves her.

That’s definitely an impressive “I love you” from little Ellie, who — according to all the science — should not yet be talking. Sure, babies mimic their parents’ coos and faces from an early age. But “I love you” at 13 weeks? Ellie, you’ve got a career in linguistics, kid. Or on the stage. Or law, maybe. The world is yours for the taking!

More: Bye-bye, baby talk. Long sentences are better for your infant’s brain

Claire was taking the video for Ellie’s dad, Grant, an engineer who was away overnight.

Grant was blown away. “I was working away in Inverness when Claire sent me the video. I couldn’t believe it. Ellie had just turned 13 weeks old when the video was taken so it really is unbelievable,” he said. “I watched the video and straightaway I said: ‘Oh my God’. I was just so shocked. You can see she is trying to copy what Claire is saying and it comes out so clear. We sent the video to our friends and family and they were all completely shocked too.”

Just a little baby development refresher for you: Babies generally say their very first words between the age of 12 to 18 months. For real.

Thank goodness for video proof.

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