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26 Brilliant Hacks for New Moms

12. Keep bugs and mosquitos at bay

When you’re enjoying the outdoors and have your baby in a Pack ‘n’ Play, cover the top with a fitted sheet. Since the sides are already vented, your baby can play safely without getting eaten alive by bugs.

13. Hot glue gun galore

If you’re worried about those bath toys getting moldy (and if you can’t stand the squeaking any longer!), use a hot glue gun to plug in the holes.

14. Puffy paint socks

Use puffy paint to create grips for your baby’s socks. This is great for when they’re just starting to walk so they don’t slip on the floor.

15. Mini zip-close bags

Keep pacifiers clean by putting them in small zip-close bags when you’re on the go.

16. Clear their coughs

When your toddler is sick, before bed just lather vapor rub (like Maty’s Baby Chest Rub) on the bottom of their feet and cover with socks.

17. Don’t wash pump parts

Alert: You don’t have to wash all of your pump parts during the day. Stick them in a baggie and put them in the fridge until you’re ready to use them again. At the end of the day, clean thoroughly and sterilize.

18. Create a sandbox anywhere you go

Get a decent-size storage bin (with wheels would be great) and fill it with sand. Your little one can play in the “sandbox” at any time on demand.

19. Donate outgrown clothes

Keep those used Amazon boxes under the crib or in the closet and fill them with clothes that no longer fit or toys your child no longer plays with. Amazon will come and pick up the box from you, making sure everything gets donated to those in need.

20. Washcloths as teethers

Make chamomile tea and soak a brand-new washcloth in it. Wring out the washcloth, put it in a zip-close bag and place it in the freezer. When baby’s gums are achy, this gives him something to chew on, and the tea has a calming effect.

21. Onesie science

You know those flaps on the onesies? Those are there so when your precious baby has a blowout, you can simply roll down the onesie off of your baby instead of up and over his head. (Did we blow your mind?) Of course, there are those occasions when there’s just no coming back from the monstrosity that’s been created. That’s when you take a pair of scissors and cut the onesie down the middle, Hulk style, and dispose. There’s a reason onesies are sold in five-packs!

22. Those shopping bags though

Always carry a few extra plastic shopping bags in your bag. They don’t take up much room and you never know when you are going to need an emergency potty or to stash away some wet or dirty clothes. Related: Always keep an extra change of clothes and diapers in the car.

23. Clear shower liners

Once your kids are old enough to play in the bathtub themselves, supervise from the sidelines by folding your real shower curtain up over the bar, leaving a clear liner in place and tucked into the tub. Kids can play and splash and make zero mess. Bonus: Use a cheap shower liner as literal lining of your floors during flu season or when your kids are sick. Line the bedroom floors and the playroom floors. It’s easier to clean up vomit that’s in a liner you can just throw away, right?

More:13 essential products for a germaphobe mom

24. Never lose baby gear again

Well, OK, maybe you’ll lose it, but hopefully people are nice enough to get it back to you. Attach luggage tags to strollers, car seats and anything else you travel with just in case you forget it somewhere. (Think: a cab.)

25. Sand off

Heading to the beach? Throw a bottle of baby powder in your bag because it’s amazing at getting sand off of your little one.

26. Forget the snaps

This is a no-brainer for trained moms, so believe us when we tell you: Do not even bother with the snap and button outfits. Sure, some designs are cute, but cute goes down the drain when you’re ridiculously inconvenienced. Zipper pajamas are key.

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