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The Photos of This Heroic Mom Giving Birth in a Hallway Will Amaze You

Childbirth is never a walk in the park, but sometimes things really don’t go as planned. Case in point: A woman and her partner were headed into the hospital for the momentous occasion, but baby Max had other plans. The mom’s water broke in the hallway of the ER, and Max dove full speed ahead into the world. (Raise your hand if this is your worst birth fear.) 

The incident was captured by photographers — and they show that childbirth is always pretty terrifying and beautiful.

More:The SheKnows Guide to Giving Birth

The hospital staff handled the unexpected turn of events like pros. Although the birth occurred in an inconvenient area of the hospital (rather than in, say, the labor and delivery wing hallway), they safely delivered Max and ensured that mother and son were given the immediate chance to bond.

More:30 Beautifully Raw Photos That Capture the Reality of Childbirth

The images were posted on the Babies are beautiful Facebook page. “These are raw birth images shared to demonstrate the beauty of birth even when things do not go remotely as planned,” the post read.

Social media comments are, uh, not always especially kind — but in this case, readers were quick to praise the mom, hospital staff and the baby’s dad for handling the situation so well.

“I don’t care what anyone says I am a mother and I think these pictures are amazing and show the reality of child birth and it’s beauty,” one woman wrote. (Amen.)

“I was eating when this popped up on my timeline… and I?m still eating because this was so beautiful and so natural I didn’t care!” another person posted.

This woman officially wins the crown for badass of the month.

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