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Mindy Kaling Loves Having One-Sided Chats With Her Baby Daughter

Comedian, actor, writer, director and general badass Mindy Kaling is absolutely loving her latest role: mom to her baby girl, Katherine. In an excerpt from a Shapemagazine interview published by E! News, Kaling shared some sweet details about bonding with her daughter, who she has nicknamed “Kit.”

“When she was born, she was kind of skinny and anxious,” Kaling shared. “I think she was like, ‘Can this woman take care of me?’ But during our many breastfeeding sessions, we’ve gotten to know each other, and she’s learned to trust me over time.”

More:Mindy Kaling Welcomes First Child

The actor is also absolutely thrilled that her doctor told her “incessant chatter is good for a baby” because, let’s be honest, no one kills it at incessant chattering quite as well as Kaling. “I’ve lived my whole life waiting to have a captive audience,” she told Shape. (Somehow, we’re not surprised by this piece of information.)

More: Mindy Kaling Hid Her Pregnancy Using “Antipsychotic Antibiotics”

“I spend the days narrating to her,” Kaling shared. “I’m constantly doing voiceover for her, as I did in The Mindy Project.”

We don’t know exactly what she’s telling little Kit all day every day, but we’re pretty sure it’s hilarious. But Kaling’s not so sure her daughter is enjoying the one-sided conversation as much as she is. “Honestly, I feel like her first words are going to be, ‘Just stop. Please!'” the actor joked.

More: Mindy Kaling’s Great Baby Daddy Mystery

Kaling gave birth to Kit in late December and moved into a new house shortly thereafter — and she’s in total nesting mode. “I didn’t realize how tethered to my house I would be as a new mom,” she told the magazine. “I’d thought I could bring the baby with me everywhere. I also couldn’t quite believe that every three hours I needed to be home to feed her.”

Stay tuned to find out if Kit’s first words are, “Enough, Mom!”

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