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Make lifestyle changes before conceiving

While there are no guarantees in the reproductive world, it only makes sense to do what you can to tilt the roulette wheel in your favor. With these tips to help you get started on the right path — and some good luck — you’ll walk away with the ultimate prize: a healthy baby.

Getting ready to have a baby means more than stopping the birth control. There’s a lot more you need to think about — like these 10 things!

See your doctor

It’s a good idea to meet with your doctor before you start trying to conceive. That way, any health problems that could impact your pregnancy can be dealt with before you become pregnant.

>> Preparing your body for pregnancy

Genetic testing?

You will want to find out if you’re a good candidate for genetic testing. Certain types of birth defects and serious — even fatal — diseases are genetic in origin, and it’s possible that you and your partner may be carriers for certain types of inherited diseases.

>> The ups and downs of prenatal testing

Medicate safely

Make sure that any medications you’re already taking are safe for use during pregnancy. Your caregiver may want to fiddle with your dosage or switch you to another drug that’s safer for the developing baby.

>> Common medications to avoid during pregnancy

Have a pap test

The ideal time to schedule a pap test is before you start trying to conceive. That way, should anything abnormal show up, you and your doctor will be able to deal with the problem prior to, rather than during, your pregnancy.

>> 5 Health exams women should have every year

Deal with any workplace hazards head-on

If your job requires a lot of heavy lifting or exposure to dangerous chemicals, you might want to talk to your employer about modifying your work arrangements before you start trying to conceive.

>> Is your job too dangerous for pregnancy?

Make sure your immunizations are up to date

While most adult women in North America are immune to both rubella (German measles) and chickenpox, it’s a good idea to double-check that you’re immune to both diseases before you start trying to conceive. Both can be dangerous to the developing baby if contracted during pregnancy.

>> Do you need a Rubella vaccination before getting pregnant

Get to a healthy weight

Studies have shown that women who are significantly over- or underweight face an increased risk of infertility and that overweight women face an increased risk of requiring a cesarean delivery or experiencing other pregnancy-related complications.

>> Fertility diet: What is a healthy weight for fertility

Start taking folic acid

Your baby needs a whole cocktail of nutrients in order to grow and develop, including folic acid — a “miracle nutrient” that has been shown to dramatically reduce the incidence of such neural tube defects as anencephaly and spina bifida if taken in the months leading up to and during the first trimester of pregnancy.

>> Folic acid may be better than we thought

Kick any bad habits

It’s best to avoid both alcohol and cigarettes from the moment you start trying to conceive. Ditto for street drugs: they’re just plain bad news for babies and mothers-to-be.

>> Alcohol warning for pregnant women

Go slow when it comes to caffeine

Research has indicated that excessive caffeine consumption can impair a woman’s fertility and may increase her risk of miscarriage. If you can’t swear off your morning coffee entirely, you might want to follow the advice of Peter Nathanielsz, MD, PhD, author of The Prenatal Prescription, and limit your consumption to one to two cups per day.

>> Healthy pregnancy: Alternatives to caffeine

More smart ways to prep for pregnancy

  • 10 ways to increase chances of conception
  • Create a conception planner
  • More fertility & trying to conceive

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