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Mom’s Rant Goes Viral After She Finds Daughter’s Boyfriend in Closet

You might have heard about it: A mother recently (and rightfully) lost her shit on her daughter’s Snapchat, warning her daughter and her daughter’s friends that Mama don’t play like that, and it went viral. Laugh all you want, people, but this mom’s concerns about her 16-year-old daughter and her quite-a-bit-older boyfriend are completely valid — and scarily relatable. Yes, she drops quite a few F-bombs, but we probably would too in her situation.

The video hit Twitter on Nov. 14, shared by user @antioniajoy_ with this caption: “y’all my friend got caught sneaking into his girls [sic] house and his gf’s mom posted this on her snap story.”

All we know about this mom is that her name is Karen and she knew the best way to get her daughter, Emma, to listen was to record her angry rant on Snapchat. In the clip she explains that she found Emma’s 20-year-old boyfriend hiding in the closet at 2:30 a.m. — and she tears into her daughter and all the friends trying to cover for her.

More: This Mom’s Post About Losing Her Mom Is So Moving

Karen is now Twitter-famous, with more than 15,000 followers — which has her amazed. Her Twitter bio reads: “Parenting doesn’t come with a manual, but no one has ever died from having a strict mom.” Oh, damn straight. We might borrow that.

Her message was clear: “Unless each of you motherfuckers want me to come after y’all and go to your parents and tell them the shit that y’all are doing, you better back the fuck off, do you understand?”

And her reasoning was even clearer: “My kid’s not going down. She’s not going to be found dead in a ditch. She’s not gonna be on fucking drugs like half of y’all are. I’m fucking over it. So if I have to go to the school and call you out name by name, if I have to go wherever and call you out, I will.”

More: Dear Viral Single Mom, I Hear You

Twitter users expressed support (mostly) for her concerns.

Karen said in a follow-up, “Yes, I care about what my children are doing… I monitor [Emma’s] social media all the time. I look at her phone all the time… I keep an eye on my child all the time. She’s still continuing to make bad decisions.”

Honestly? We ain’t even mad. You do you, Mama Karen. Parenting a teen can be terrifying.

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