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Chrissy Teigen is Not Here for Your Fancy School Lunches: “Pizza Cat Faces Can Suck It”

As per usual, Chrissy Teigen has flooded our Twitter feeds with #MomStruggles that should basically be school-wide emails to all parents who pack school lunches. The subject line? “School Lunches Don’t Have to Look Cute!”

Teigen, the ever-transparent mom to Luna and Miles, took to Twitter to remind people that stars are just like us. She, too, has trouble thinking of unique day-to-day school lunch ideas. But, no matter how serious some parents are about their kid’s school lunches — or how cute they look (um, have you seen Jenny Mollen’s Dictator Lunches Instagram account with close to 100k followers?) — Teigen is sticking with OG meals that have stood the test of time. 

“I’ve been looking up good lunches to put in my kid’s bento lunch box and while everyone’s lunches look cute, my kid will never eat this shit without me bribing, in person. everyone’s stuffed olive tapenade pita cat faces can suck it say hello to pizza bagel,” Teigen tweeted last night, and the world applauded.


And don’t get the 33-year-old Cravings author started on weird healthy kid-lunch options. “Blueberry pasta salad? I’m scared for her teachers if she opens that. if your kid eats this stuff THAT IS AWESOME stay blessed,” Teigen tweeted.

Twitter, of course, was all over this, with parents coming to Teigen’s defense and cheering her on with lunchbox horror stories of their own.

“Girl, same. My kid hates chicken…unless its in nugget form,” one follower responded.

“My school lunches were a sandwich and a juice box. When I got older it became three sandwiches and a juice box,” another follower commented.

Moral of the story: While cat-face-shaped pitas may look adorable (see here for reference) and tempting to recreate — because who doesn’t want to be that mom? — ketchup packets are all Luna really needs in her life. And we get it.

Luna clearly runs a tight ship. It’s also worth noting that this week, Luna sassily (and adorably) asked her mom why she was late picking her up from school. “I was *1* minute late picking luna up from school,” Teigen tweeted. “She was all sweet in her classroom then as soon as we were alone, I buckled her in she said ‘so why? why were you late?’” 

Well Luna, clearly your mom was late because she was packing you such an amazing elaborate lunch for tomorrow, duh. Just give her a break okay?

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