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Why is Kim Kardashian West Becoming a Lawyer? Because of “Raising Four Black Kids,” She Says

When Kim Kardashian revealed that she was studying to become a lawyer last year, her followers had mixed feelings. Internet trolls, obviously, were quick to roll their eyes. However, her mainstay fans supported her decision, especially because she worked with the White House to plead the case for clemency on behalf of Alice Marie Johnson in 2018.

“I just felt like I wanted to be able to fight for people who have paid their dues to society. I just felt like the system could be so different, and I wanted to fight to fix it, and if I knew more, I could do more,” she told Vogue. The power of her social status, clearly, can move mountains for criminal justice reform. If that doesn’t convince you of Kardashian’s career intentions, recently she revealed to CR Fashion Book how this career move will help people who are marginalized based on the color of their skin — including her own children.

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“I’m raising four black kids in this society and our system is so discriminatory against black and brown people. I want to do as much as I can to make their lives easier…I never knew much about the system until I started to dig in, and once I learned and saw how many things were wrong, I really couldn’t stop,” she explains. “Now, I feel like I have a duty to myself and to my children more than the public and I want to be a good role model for my kids.” 

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Still, juggling a family and studying law is not easy! “Studying is in my afternoons. I go to the office, and then I do my extra reading and stuff at home from 9 until 11,” she said on Good Morning America about studying around her family’s schedule.  

In just a few years she’ll be a lawyer for hire. Until then, we look forward to watching her documentary, Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project, which launches on April 5th. 

Kim Kardashian West is just one of our favorite celeb moms who has opened up about struggles with infertility.

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