There are so many ways our children are like flowers: They represent a beautiful hope for the future, the survival of a species, the continuity of life, and a colorful addition to the garden that is your family. Sure, they don’t always smell like flowers, but also they make up for that by being a lot more durable. The point is, giving a flower name to your baby can honor that connection to promise and nature. Also, flower names are just really pretty.
Well, most of them, anyway. We hope no one out there is getting named, say, Venus Flytrap or Crocus or Hydrangea. (Sorry if you are.)
You may be surprised by some of the names you already know that actually have floral meanings. You might also find some of the unusual flower names from other languages. And the flowery action doesn’t just have to be reserved for the girls, by the way. Though there are nowhere near as many, keep scrolling for some boy names and gender-neutral names we think you’ll love.
Girl flower names
Abeba: Flower in Amharic (Ethiopian).
Acacia: A flowering tree.
Alyssa: Rational; also from the flower alyssum.
Anthea: Flowery (Greek).
Aiyanna/Ayana/Ayanna: Beautiful flower (Amharic).
Azalea: A type of flower.
Blossom: Flower.
Briony: A flowering vine.
Calla: Beautiful (Greek); A type of lily.
Camelia/Camellia/Camille: A type of flower.
Cassia: A type of flowering tree.
Clover: A type of flower.
Cynthia: Of Mount Cynthus (Greek); a type of flower.
Dahlia: From the valley (Norse); a type of flower.
Daisy: The day’s eye (English); a type of flower.
Daphne: A laurel tree (Greek).
Delphine: Of the Delphi palace (Greek); dolphin; delphinium flower.
Erica: Forever strong (Norse); a type of heather.
Evanthe: Flower (Greek).
Fleur: Flower (French).
Flor: Flower (Spanish).
Flora: Flower (Latin).
Giacinta/Jacinta/Jacinda/Hyacinth: A type of flower.
Hana: Flower (Japanese).
Heather: A type of flower.
Ianthe: A purple flower (Greek).
Ione: Violet (Greek).
Iris: A type of flower.
Ixora: A type of tropical flower.
Jasmine/Yasmina: A type of flower (Persian, Arabic).
Jessamine: Jasmine (French).
Kamala: Lotus (Hindi).
Leilani: Heavenly flower (Hawaiian).
Lily/Liliane/Liliana: A type of flower.
Marguerite/Margarita: A daisy (French, Spanish).
Marigold: Mary’s gold; a type of flower.
Mbalenhle: Beautiful flower (Zulu).
Peony: A type of flower (Greek).
Petunia: A type of flower (Native American).
Poppy: A type of flower.
Posy: A type of flower.
Primrose: First rose (Latin).
Rose/Rosa: A flower.
Rosalie: Rose (Italian).
Rue: A type of flower.
Sakura: Cherry tree (Japanese).
Susan/Susannah/Suzanne/Azucena: A lily (Hebrew and Arabic).
Tansy: Immortal (Greek); a type of flower.
Tulip: A type of flower.
Ubax: Flower (Somali).
Veronica: A type of flower.
Viola: A type of violet (Latin).
Violet: A type of flower.
Zahara: Flower (Swahili).
Zainab: Fragrant flower (Arabic).
Zinnia: A type of flower.
Zuzu: Lily (Czech).
Boy and gender-neutral flower names
Antoine/Antwan/Anthony/Antonio: Flower (Greek).
Aster: Star; also a type of flower (Greek).
Fior/Fiorello: Flower (Italian).
Florent: Flower (French).
Florian/Florin: Flower (Latin).
Indigo: A type of flower.
Kunal: Lotus (Hindi).
Lirio: Iris (Spanish).
Lotus: A type of flower.
Oleander: A type of flower.
Ren: Lotus (Japanese).
Saffron: A type of crocus flower.
Sage: Wise; a type of flowering plant.
Looking to the stars instead of the earth for baby name inspiration? Here are the best baby names for each zodiac sign.
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