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Brie & Nikki Bella Are Radiant as They Bare Their Pregnant Bellies

Brie Bella has hit the 30-week mark in her pregnancy and Nikki Bella is about 29 weeks along, and neither twin was about to let these milestones pass by without a bit of a celebration. What that means these days is a pregnancy photo shoot, selfie style. But hey, even if they’re not in some professional studio surrounded by perfect lighting, the former WWE Divas are radiant as they bare their growing bellies.

“I’m 30 weeks today!” Bella said in her Instagram Stories. “Can you believe it, you guys? Look how big this belly is!”

In the photo also posted to Instagram, Bella is wearing a long tan robe with Western-style fringes — just the kind of flowy garment that makes pregnancy just a little more comfortable. Her lower-belly bear-claw tattoo still looks great, too.

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“It’s just going to keep on getting bigger,” she said on Instagram, showing off her bump. “No more than really 10 weeks until I’m going to be a mother of two. Gosh, who knows? Am I going to have two girls, a boy and a girl? There’s a lot going on. I better start that nursery, huh?”

Bella’s tone in this last part of her video sounds a tad bit coy — we think that she either already knows what she’s having, or she’s planning some kind of surprise related to her nursery. Or maybe we’re reading too much into this.

Twin sister Nikki also posted a photo on Sunday showing off her bump and its cute new feature, an outie belly button.

“Lazy Sunday ❤️ Almost 29 weeks (belly button is starting to pop out ☺️),” she wrote.

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It’s great to see Nikki healthy and happy, after her baby’s heart scare a few weeks ago, and we’re looking forward to more progress pics from both sisters!

If you (or your sister!) are also expecting right now, you might want to follow these tips for having a virtual baby shower.

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