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Gwyneth Paltrow’s Daughter Got a Retail Job to Learn “What Work is”

Although working in retail did not quite make our list of the best jobs for teens this summer, there’s no denying it’s a classic choice. After all, how many of us began our working lives folding T-shirts, stacking books, hawking Lush bath bombs at the mall, or explaining basic electronics to elderly customers at a Radio Shack? And it turns out there’s another teen joining the retail workforce these days: Apple Martin. Yes, that one. Daughter-of-Gwyneth Apple Martin.

Gwyneth Paltrow herself explained to fellow actor Rob Lowe on his Literally podcast this week that Apple has landed a retail gig — and Paltrow thinks it’s an important step in her kids checking their privilege and learning what work is like.

“As a parent,” Paltrow told Lowe, “you think, all I can do for these kids is teach them right from wrong and teach them what work is. I really have tried not to just hand them things.”

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Amen to that. Hey, maybe if more celebrity kids learned the value of a summer job — or, say, doing your own work to get into college rather than using your parents’ fame and money to cheat your way in — the world would be a better place. And it seems like Apple, for one, is really coming into her own. Whether that’s due in part to having to work an actual day job, who’s to say?

“I think it’s really been interesting to be her mother because as she’s come into her own,” Paltrow told Lowe of her daughter. “It’s almost like watching her harness her own power with every passing year. I’m just like, ‘What is this child here to do?’ She’s so bright and so funny. She’s hilarious.”

Now all we (really, really) want to know is just what type of retail gig this bright and funny gal is holding down. Old Navy? Sephora? Madewell? Whole Foods?! Please tell us she’s working at an indie bookshop, Gwyneth. Really, the thought of Apple behind the counter anywhere exceptPaltrow’s own uber-expensive Goop Lab storefronts would bring joy into our little working-women’s hearts.

If our bookstore salesclerk fantasy is true, maybe Apple is setting families up with some of these amazing kids books starring Black and brown girls?

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