We have so many reactions at once as we watch the drama unfold between former White House advisor Kellyanne Conway and her 15-year-old daughter Claudia Conway. On Twitter and TikTok, the public is getting glimpses of the two fighting this week, after both have tested positive for COVID-19, and it is not pretty.
Let’s begin last week, when Claudia began posting videos about her mother possibly having the virus shortly after the announcement that President Trump had tested positive. She said her mother was “coughing all over the house.” It was the kind of thing you could imagine any teenage girl posting about her mom, except her mom had been exposed to a virus by the president.
Three days ago she broke the news that Kellyanne had tested positive.
“Bye, I’m done. I’ll see you all in two weeks,” wrote Claudia, who back in August had declared that she wanted to be emancipated from her parents.
@claudiamconway bye i’m done i’ll see you all in two weeks
♬ smack my blank like a drum – andy war
On Sunday, Claudia revealed that she had it too. “My mom has no symptoms, yet I literally feel like hell.”
@claudiamconway ♬ The Loser – Verzache
Well, all hell broke loose on Monday night, as Claudia was at least feeling well enough to keep posting and commenting to TikTok, where she said her mom initially lied that she had tested negative for the virus. Then she recorded a live video of her mother’s response.
“You’ve caused so much disruption,” Kellyanne says. “You lied about your fucking mother about COVID? About COVID?”
“Mom, no. It’s how I interpreted it.”
— Crystal 💙 (@Turtle_Dawn) October 6, 2020
This is the video which sends so many of us into flashbacks about fights with our own mothers. That voice of disbelief from the mom, the exasperation from the misunderstood teen — it all feels so familiar. But also, her mom knew she had been exposed to the virus at the White House and yet spent time with her daughter, unmasked — that’s not something most of our moms would have done.
Claudia then posted this video to appease her mother. “You say, correction, my mom had three tests,” Kellyanne says off-camera.
“My mother claims she did not lie to me. She had three tests done. First negative, second positive. We were not in communication. I misinterpreted it.”
In another since-deleted video, the timing of which we are unsure, Claudia says in coded gibberish talk that she is worried that her mom would have her arrested again. This is repeating an allegation the teen made back in August that her mother had her arrested on false assault charges earlier this year.
If this is true, their relationship is serious and scary beyond any typical mother-daughter conflict. It could even be abusive.
Then there’s the fact that their fights veer into the territory of national security leaks. When the president tweeted that he was leaving the hospital and that people shouldn’t be afraid of COVID-19, she replied to another TikTok user’s video.
“Guys, lmao, he’s not doing better,” she wrote. “He is so ridiculous. Apparently, he is doing badly lol and they are doing what they can to stabilize him.”
Does she have access to information on this, or is she just guessing at the president’s health like the rest of us? All of this is making the right take swipes at Claudia while some on the left are holding her up, at least on social media, as a hero of the resistance.
If we are to believe Kellyanne Conway, famous inventor of “alternative facts,” she really wants to act like a mother and protect her daughter from people on both sides.
My daughter, Claudia, is beautiful & brilliant. She has access to top doctors & health care & lives comfortably
Like all of you, she speculates on social media
Yet she’s 15
You are adults
We have COVID, but it’s clear who’s really sick
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) October 6, 2020
“My daughter, Claudia, is beautiful & brilliant,” she tweeted. “She has access to top doctors & health care & lives comfortably. Like all of you, she speculates on social media. Yet she’s 15. You are adults. We have COVID, but it’s clear who’s really sick.”
We wish a speedy recovery for them both.
If you’ve got teens at home, help them find their next face masks here.
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