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Hallie Jackson Breast-Pumps in Car From Walter Reed While Covering Trump COVID Hospitalization

During his hospitalization for COVID-19, President Donald Trump left Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a casual joyride that endangered the lives of his staff. White House correspondent Hallie Jackson, however, left Walter Reed after working three days straight and sleeping six hours and holding a press conference with Trump’s doctors — and pulled out her breast pump in the car to get to work on her other job: mom.

“Me, my Spectra, and the White House press corps…” Jackson began her Instagram caption, alongside a photo of her in a mask and nursing cover-up, pumping like a boss in the moving van. “This happened on the way back from Walter Reed Sunday, during the president’s hospitalization, in a van carrying the small group of reporters who travel with the president. It was my turn that day. I hadn’t pumped since 7 that morning.”

Jackson adds that due to spearheading live coverage of the President’s hospitalization, she was not only unable to pump for many hours; she was unable to keep up with the other “shoulds” that would sustain her pumping, either — such as, you know, hydrating and getting enough rest. But she’s not about to let the stress make her feel like she’s not a good enough mom to baby Ro.

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“On day 3 of nonstop coverage, on about 6 hours of sleep total, during one of the most intense weeks in my professional life,” Jackson continues. “Not a day went by this week where I didn’t miss at least one pumping session. All the things you’re supposed to do to keep up your milk supply went out the window: regular removal, hydration, plenty of rest (lololololol). But you know what? It’s okay. Yep, I sure did struggle with guilt and anxiety about the absolute avalanche at work consuming my life. But a little self-compassion goes a long way: I’m doing my best. Most moms are. And it’s going to be okay.”

You hear that, moms? That goes for you, too — even if you’re not an awe-inspiring Chief White House Correspondent in the middle of documenting the total crisis of both healthcare and democracy that 2020 has been and continues to be. Whatever your job, whatever your point in parenting, whether you are breastfeeding or formula-feeding or potty-training or talking a teen through puberty: You are doing your best. And it’s going to be okay.

Just don’t forget: As Jackson concluded her post, we are now heading into “the 3-week sprint to Election Day.” So take your badass mom self and all your struggles and successes alike and GO VOTE.

These public breastfeeding photos prove moms are the ultimate multitaskers.

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