Even during good years, most of us have a hard time disappointing our children, but 2020 has truly tested our ability to say “no” — and that holds true for Eva Mendes, too. The actor displayed some very funny evidence of this on Instagram on Thursday, and exchanged comments with fans about the many ways we’re letting mom guilt get the best of us these days.
“My little girl wanted to cut out Maria Callas’ face from the record cover,” Mendes, mom to 6-year-old Esmerelda and 4-year-old Amada, captioned a photo of herself looking through the hole where the opera singer’s face used to be. “I quietly died a little inside but I quickly said, ‘Yes.’ Mom pandemic guilt in full effect.”
Oh, boy, does this sound familiar. With lockdown and social-distancing measures causing kids to miss out on so much this year, we have been in that place so often. We have to refuse parties and playdates, so we let them get away with things we probably wouldn’t have otherwise. Especially when doing so means that they’ll occupy themselves creatively for just a few more minutes.
Others on Instagram agreed.
“You’re clearly a wonderful mom,” Jessica Knutson wrote in the comments. “I feel like we’re all saying ‘yes’ a little more now than we used to. 😂”
“Ha! I hear ya,” Mendes replied. “I remember just last March when bedtime was a real thing 😭❤️😩”
“Lollllll the amount of things I lost all in the interest of keeping my daughter happy 💔 I feel your pain, mama lol,” Lana Coyne chimed in.
We can all take comfort in the words of someone whose mother gave in to her — not during a pandemic, but in the name of fostering her children’s development just the same.
“But I bet she’ll remember it so fondly when she’s older!” Mollyreganart wrote. “My mom let us play (REALLY play) with things around the house, and that creative freedom and playfulness is something my brother and I talk about so fondly ❤️”
Mendes seemed to appreciate hearing this endorsement. “What an amazing comment! Thank you for this! Lotsa love to you.”
Now, pardon me, as I go see which items around my own house have been turned into priceless works of art while I wrote this.
Keep your kids busy at home over winter break with these activities.
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