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Gabrielle Union’s Daughter Kaavia Is Potty-Training Like She Does Everything Else — Her Own Way

Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade have proven to be phenomenal parents with each of their children. As we’ve seen with Zaya, the two are doing an amazing job raising some pretty incredible, independent kiddos. Baby Kaavia might only be two years old, but she already has a personality that is as fierce (and hilarious) as her mama’s. Even as Union goes through the daunting struggle that is potty training with Kaavia she’s still poking fun at her daughter’s sassy mood on Instagram — and Kaavia’s reaction is just what we’d expect from the adorable little one.

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“How potty training is going 🤣😂🤣😂 @kaaviajames man… If this is her at 2, Lord help us 😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😆🤣💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩,” Union captioned her Instagram video.

In the clip, we see the actress carrying her baby as she turns to Kaavia and asks, “Did you poo-poo in the potty?” to which Kaavia enthusiastically responds, “Yup!” “Kaav?” Union laughs as Kaavia flashes some serious side-eye up at her mother. Union asks Kaavia once more if she did indeed, poo-poo in the potty, and though baby Kaavia knows she’s been caught in a lie she stands her ground and repeats, “Yup!”

“Yeah, you poo-pooed like they poopooed,” Union says as the camera pans to their dogs’ own stool. “Yup!” Kaavia says again. We’re crying/laughing because this exchange was too funny. Clearly, Kaav is going to potty train on her own terms, in her own way.

“LMAO! Yooo, she’s everything! 😂” Keith Powers commented. Another user wrote, “Why is she sooo cute 😍😍😍😍 lol I live for these updates.”

As the shirt Kaavia is wearing aptly says in the video, she got it from her mama! We too live for these updates and we’re already waiting for the next one.

Read about how Heidi Klum, Angelina Jolie, and more celebrity parents co-sleep with their kids.

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