American Idol fans got another sneak peak at the upcoming season, which is set to premiere this Sunday on ABC, when People ran an exclusive clip Friday afternoon. This one heavily featured 16-year-old Claudia Conway, whose contentious relationship with her parents has been playing out on social media since last year. It seems she’s hoping Idol can be her escape from the strife — and possible abuse — she’s experiencing at home.
The daughter of Kellyanne and George Conway speaks about disagreeing with her famous parents, but this appears to have been taped long before things got so heated in their household as to have multiple police visits. Instead, this segment is all about how she wants to use music as her voice. But, she didn’t completely step out of their looming shadows during the newly released clip.
“My mother is Kellyanne Conway. She worked for Donald Trump,” she explains to the judges. “And my dad is George Conway. He worked against Donald Trump. It’s a lot, but I agree to disagree with my mom and my dad.”
You heard that right. @claudiamconwayy is looking for a golden ticket 🤯🎤 Find out Sunday if she has what it takes to be #TheNextIdol on #AmericanIdol 🌟
— American Idol (@AmericanIdol) February 9, 2021
Unlike the previous teaser that initially aired, breaking the news that the teen would be a contestant on the new season, this one included part of her initial audition video.
“So you probably know me as 15 year old emancipation girl or that blonde woman from Fox News’ daughter,” she said during the video as she climbed out of her bedroom window. “I’m a little more than that.”
In the promo, Conway talks about her upbringing and can be seen hugging her dad, who attended the studio audition with her. Seeing George Conway as a loving, involved father is also interesting, considering we’ve heard so little about whether he has intervened in the fights between mother and daughter.
“When your mom is working for the president of the United States, who you very much disagree with, it’s hard,” she says, perhaps as an allusion to some of the more recent drama that has played out between the pair for the past year.
“The internet can be a very, very dark place,” she says, ending her video. “But when life is all going downhill, I have my music. Now, I want to get out of the controversy, get out of the drama, and let people know that I am a singer and this is what I want to do.”
For the more than a million followers of Conway’s TikTok account, the Idol news is actually old news. Many viewers have already watched her behind-the-scenes videos from November when she attended her first audition.
Of course, because the internet is going to internet, the news of the teen’s quest to become the next American Idol has been met with a great deal of skepticism. Many have voiced concerns over whether the initial allegations, which resulted in a welfare check being performed by police and caught on video back in January, were all just a PR stunt leading up to this moment. However this plays out for the teen, we wish her well this weekend on her audition, and hope both her parents stand behind her as she follows her dream!
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